
A brief history: Total BMX

31/01/2020 10:17
How did Total BMX start as a brand? A few words from Ronnie Remo, founder of Total BMX coming up!

"When did you start Total BMX and what were your reasons behind the decision?"

"Well I always found whichever sponsor I had they would always think of the riders last, and having also been supporting Webbie with flights out of my own pocket until he could sometimes repay me I figured it would be cool to start a brand that focused on riders first, profits second. My plan was that the brand would pay for myself and a few riders to go wherever we wanted to ride, have a blast and not be flat broke after. It wasn’t about getting rich in money but getting rich in life. If we could make enough money for flights/ hotels and maybe get a few quid each month so we could eat then that was success, an achievable goal."

Source: VitalBMX