Senad Grosic


Date and place of birth: 19.02.79 Sisak , croatia

Favourite trick: all kinda liptrix ,nohand flip What keeps you pushing BMX every day: it's the greatest sport in the world and I wanna ride everyday to push myself and my limits.
Bodyweight, height: 82 kg , 177cm Favourite spot to ride: our indoor place near vienna Daily routine: wake up,eat,bring my son to kindergarten and go ride bmx,gym,eat,play and go to sleep.
Current residence: Absdorf , Austria Favourite BMX part: brakes and the wasp hubs How did my BMX carreer start off: I saw a show and thought this is the best thing in life, bagged my mum for a bike for month and now we here, hahahaha
What year did I start riding BMX: 94 don't know exactly Favourite BMX video: Balancing act,baco 10, uncontainible

A message: thx to all who supported and belived in me in all this years,love you all. Ride bikes and make this world a better place,peace out.